Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Dave Finds Tone

While Aaron prepares for the birth of his daughter, Dave travels to the most remote region of one of the hottest areas on earth in search of pure guitar tone. Actually, Dave just went to a family reunion in west Tennessee where his mother-in-law suggested a post barbeque lunch excursion, across the street, to the local junk store where located on the floor of an almost overlooked room lie a very dirty 1967 Ampeg Gemini 2 guitar amp. After picking up his jaw he offered the owner $30 and in the car it went, delivered to the car ... by the owner!

After bass tracking is complete and after a thorough cleaning the hope is to record a good deal of the guitars through this amp. It is somewhere between a Deluxe Reverb and a Twin, without the overpowering volume. It purportedly hosts one of the greatest reverb circuits ever made.
This means rich layers of smooth dark chocolate between each byte of recorded goodness!

Stay tuned for more updates ...
See Seven States will keep YOU the blog reader informed each step of the recording process. Please also keep the Sillers in your prayers as the due date nears!